Why would the pie in the sky fall on you!

Let me tell you, those who can be hit by wealth are all due to the virtues accumulated by their ancestors or several lifetimes.

Some people also asked, why do you let me see such profound things in the currency circle. .

I can only laugh.

Like and screenshot the following passage, which will help you get wealth in the future.

If virtue is greater than gain, there must be gain;

If gain is greater than virtue, there must be loss.

If virtue is not worthy of wealth, you cannot keep wealth;

If virtue is not worthy of position, you cannot keep position.

Some people, after getting rich, their wives and children are separated, and their families gradually decline, just because they have no virtue.

Some people, with a little power, put on airs, pretend, and bully the villagers, gradually losing the "people's hearts". Because of too deep resentment, they are pulled down by the masses due to a certain incident, which is also because they have no virtue.

Some people, after making a fortune, they become villains and forget themselves, slowly squandering the fortune and even losing their old family assets, which is also because they have no virtue.

Therefore, in this life, most people are not suitable for getting rich, because the backlash of money is too great. If you don’t have enough virtue and wisdom, you can’t control it. Don’t say that you are an exception, because human nature is greedy and desires are hard to satisfy. You can take a good look back at all the people around you. Why many people used to be rich, but gradually returned to mediocrity, or even fell to the bottom. Everything is cause and effect. 2024 is a very important year. Remember, only by accumulating more virtue can you have a future! #币安用户数突破2亿 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变