Written by: Wang 1, TechFlow

The market is constantly volatile, causing everyone to say over and over again, "I'm sorry for my family at this point."

The first level is always cut, and the second level is shaken to vomit.

During the “junk time” of the market, it is better to take advantage of Bearchain, which is currently raising primary financing and will launch secondary financing in the future.

Recently, Bearchain launched the test network V2 bArtio (see the article: Exploring Berachain V2: Changes in the verification node pledge and slashing mechanism). You do not need to have any interaction records with V1. You can directly receive water for free and interact with multiple projects at one time.

Strong financing background

If you must choose the airdrop standards for various projects, large-scale financing is definitely a hard indicator. Projects with large-scale financing are also relatively generous when issuing airdrops, and are more worthy of investing time and energy in interaction.

In April this year, Bearchain raised $100 million at a valuation of $1.5 billion, totaling $142 million. Polychain, Framework Ventures, and Brevan Howard Digital led the round, with a number of star institutions following suit.

Passion 0, one-time water, multiple interactions

With an excellent financing background, can you still get 0 points? Let’s get started!

Before you start, add the bArtio testnet to your wallet

网络名称:Berachain bArtio RPC URL:https://bartio.rpc.berachain.com Chain ID:80084 Currency symbol:BERA Block explorer URL:https://bartio.beratrail.i

Lead the water and start

  1. Get water from the faucet (mainnet wallet must have at least 0.01E)

https://bartio.faucet.berachain.com (Note that it is the bArtio network, so don’t get the wrong one.

  1. Experience Swap on BEX


Each step of interaction requires token authorization first, and $BERA must be exchanged for $STGUSDC and $WBTC $WETH. It is recommended to exchange a little of all three currencies for later staking, so as not to use up all $BEAR.

  1. Minting $STGUSDC into $honey


  1. Add honey-wbera liquidity


You need to use $Bear and $honey from the previous Swap. Authorize first and then confirm to exchange for lp tokens.

  1. Stake lp or stake $honey to get BGT rewards

5.1 Pledge lp

Go to https://bartio.station.berachain.com/gauge/0xAD57d7d39a487C04a44D3522b910421888Fb9C6d… and pledge the LP obtained in the previous step. Click deposit.

5.2 Pledge Honey

Go to https://bartio.berps.berachain.com/vault to stake $honey and get bgt rewards* (it is recommended to do both types of staking, you can kill two birds with one stone) Stake $honey here to get $bhoney, then go to https://bartio.station.berachain.com/gauge/0xc5cb3459723b828b3974f7e58899249c2be3b33d to stake and get bgt

  1. Experience deposit and loan


  1. Go vote

Go first

Claim the BGT rewards pledged in the above steps

Go to https://bartio.station.berachain.com/delegate?action=delegate&validator=0x19Bfe7b58D3D2C63Ee082A1C1db33F970Ca1fA44…

Use BGT to vote, just choose any one to vote for when the price goes up

PS: This article does not constitute any investment advice. Project interactions are risky. It is recommended to use a new wallet address to interact with the project.