How can newcomers make a living by trading in the cryptocurrency circle?

First: Traders who are basically fully committed to the market and spend a huge amount of time and energy are invested in the market they are trading. In other words, if they do not put in enough effort, the outcome will inevitably be a loss.

Second: Discipline is the root of almost all problems. In fact, the concept of discipline is originally a reward for winners in the market. They all effectively control their own risks. I think that those traders who continue to lose money often have problems with risk management. There is a cruel fact: they will continue to lose money, which also means that they should not continue to trade. So what skills and personality traits can make a person a good trader?

My understanding is that understanding the risks and rewards that the market can bring to you, that is, the profit and loss ratio. A successful trader can always sort out the relationship between greed and fear, and should not be swayed by emotions.

Strictly implement your own trading rules and constantly review and correct your trading rules. #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变