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Is BTC about to plummet?

Today, BTC options worth a total of US$1.35 billion and ETH options worth US$710 million will expire and deliver. The expiration and delivery of these large options may have a certain impact on the short-term fluctuations of the cryptocurrency market.

This week is a critical week for the macroeconomy. Economic data shows positive signals for the venture capital market, and the US stock market has risen significantly. However, in sharp contrast, the cryptocurrency market performed poorly this week, with mainstream digital currencies generally falling, and some non-mainstream altcoins suffering larger losses.

Recently, there have been fewer hot topics in the cryptocurrency market, transaction volume has declined, and the market as a whole has shown a relatively quiet state.

Currently, BTC’s main short- and medium-term implied volatility (IV) is below 50%, while ETH’s main short- and medium-term IV is also below 60%, indicating that market volatility has fallen to a lower level. This is a relatively high value-for-money range for the buyer, as a lower IV means there is less risk in purchasing the option at a lower cost.

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