To whom it may concern.

After so many trials and erros I have finally be able to claim my Lens & Farcaster profile. It was really hectic, hence i thought it would be great if share the trick that helped me claim both of the account to my phaver account.

I am using iPhone so I do not if its going to work with android.

Issue: If your phaver app doesnt redirect you straight to binance app but instead taking you to safari browser than you wont be able to connect your lens & farcaster prpfile.

Step 01: Close all the background app that is running on your phone.

Step 02: Go to safari settings from the setting Manu and clear all the (All time) history and

Website data.

Step 03: Open Binance app and log into web3 Tab go to settings and clear all the cache data.

Step 04: Go to phaver try to claim your lens and farcaster profile.

#Phavers #Web3Quests #Airdrop #Lens #Farcaster $BNB


Disclaimer: These are the steps of claiming lens and & Farcaster profile. So I must complete your 2 NFT’s to phaver.

Regards, I hope it does help.