🔥🔥🔥TAO: At 2 a.m. on the 13th, a purple dot appeared at the 1-hour level, which is a short buy signal.

And it was successfully closed, indicating that the market continued to fall. #ta

Friends who got on the train yesterday have already made 40% of the profit so far.

Currently, the 4-hour is also short, which meets the requirements #ZKsync空投争议

As long as the market does not fall back and break the price of 317.89,

it is still bearish.

The target position is: around 309.94-299.61.

Stop loss before high: around 330.33

The contract is risky, so be cautious when placing orders, my friends! Only by keeping the old hen can you eat eggs! #TAO是人工智能的比特币🚀 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 $TAO