Another big news!!!

Another big news!!!

Saudi Arabia is going to use digital currency to trade oil!

Wow! Saudi Arabia said it will use digital currency in oil sales, but it hasn't said what digital currency it will use. Digital currency is very popular now. According to market trends and currency values, the following digital currencies may be favored by Saudi Arabia: First, Bitcoin (BTC), which has the highest market value in the world. If Saudi Arabia chooses it, the digital currency market will explode; second, Ethereum (ETH), a pioneer of smart contracts, Saudi Arabia may open a new chapter in the combination of energy and blockchain; third, Petro (PTR), which was developed by Venezuela and has a unique model. If Saudi Arabia uses or learns from its model, it will be a major innovation in energy trading; fourth, Tether (USDT), a stable currency pegged to the US dollar, has low volatility and high liquidity. Saudi Arabia's choice of it can reduce the exchange rate risk of oil transactions; fifth, Saudi Arabia's own digital currency (SADC). Although there is no news, it is not impossible for Saudi Arabia to issue its own in the future. If it can be successfully issued and promoted, its position in the international energy market will be awesome. Remember, these are all speculations! Just wait for Saudi Arabia to announce which digital currency it will choose, which will definitely bring new vitality and opportunities to the international energy market. Friends who always get stuck chasing ups and downs,

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