👻 Brief history of crypto

1. Early Ideas (1980s-2008):

- Concepts for digital money emerged, like DigiCash and e-gold, but they didn't succeed.

2. Bitcoin's Creation (2008-2009):

- 2008: Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin whitepaper.

- 2009: Bitcoin software was released, and the first Bitcoin block was mined (Price: $0).

3. Growth and New Cryptocurrencies (2010-2014):

- 2010: First real-world transaction (10,000 BTC for two pizzas) (Price: $0.01/BTC).

- 2011: New cryptocurrencies like Litecoin were created (Price: $1-$30/BTC).

- 2012: Bitcoin's price stabilized (Price: ~$5-$13/BTC).

- 2013: Bitcoin's price surged, reaching over $1,000 in November (Price: $13-$1,000/BTC).

- 2014: Bitcoin faced significant volatility and a major exchange hack (Price: $300-$1,000/BTC).

4. Mainstream Attention (2015-2017):

- 2015: Ethereum launched, introducing smart contracts (Price: $200-$400/BTC).

- 2016: Bitcoin showed steady growth (Price: $400-$1,000/BTC).

- 2017: Bitcoin hit nearly $20,000 in December, and ICOs became popular (Price: $1,000-$20,000/BTC).

5. Maturity and Regulation (2018-Present):

- 2018: Crypto market crashed; Bitcoin dropped to around $3,000 (Price: $3,000-$17,000/BTC).

- 2019: Bitcoin saw some recovery (Price: $3,000-$13,000/BTC).

- 2020: Institutional interest grew, with companies like PayPal adopting crypto (Price: $5,000-$28,000/BTC).

- 2021: Bitcoin hit new highs, surpassing $60,000, and trends like DeFi and NFTs gained traction (Price: $30,000-$60,000/BTC).

- 2022: Bitcoin experienced volatility and correction, with prices ranging widely (Price: ~$20,000-$47,000/BTC).

- 2023: Bitcoin showed resilience amid market challenges (Price: ~$16,000-$30,000/BTC).

- **2024: Bitcoin price: ~$35,000-$69,000/BTC

Cryptocurrency continues to evolve with ongoing advancements in technology and regulation.

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