$PEOPLE Avoid the "six minefields" of investment, and it is not a dream to make steady profits without losses!

1. Don't always think about making quick money

Don't always think about making big money, and you need to have a long-term vision for investment. Don't be blinded by short-term interests, long-term benefits are the hard truth!

2. Don't buy blindly

Whatever others say is hot, buy it? Don't be so impulsive! The market is changing, and following the trend will only make you fall into the pit.

3. Don't believe everything you hear

Don't listen to big Vs or gossip and blindly follow the trend to invest. You must have your own judgment when investing, and don't be swayed by what others say.

4. Keep your mentality stable, don't be impetuous

Investment is not gambling, don't always think about getting rich quickly. You must have a stable mentality and be able to withstand market fluctuations to go further.

5. Keep learning to avoid being harvested

Investment is a technical job, and you must keep learning new knowledge. Don't be eliminated by the market and become a "leek" forever.

6. Make an investment plan, don’t be blind

Before investing, you must make a plan, clearly understand what to buy, when to buy, and how to allocate positions. Only in this way can we cope with market changes, and making steady profits is not a dream!

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