"The crypto world is rocking with the appointment of Christy Goldsmith Romero as Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation! 😂 This woman is quite vocal about 'getting' crypto regulations right. What does this mean for the crypto world? 🤔

Romero is the sponsor of the Technology Advisory Committee, which includes blockchain firms such as Circle, TRM Labs and Fireblocks. This committee was created to ensure the 'responsible development' of digital assets.

Romero will replace Martin Gruenberg in response to a report that recommended appointing new officials to change the FDIC's culture. The FDIC is an independent body created by the U.S. Congress to help maintain the stability of the financial system.

At the same time, Kristin Johnson will also be nominated for the role of Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions at the Treasury Department. Johnson said Binance's CFTC fines increased due to previous warnings from regulators for crypto firms to comply.

What will be the impact of these appointments on the crypto world? We are waiting your comments! 😄#DeFi#Web3"