Take a look at the recent favorable currencies!

1. #waves The L2 white paper was released this week, and the incentive policy power return has begun.

2#rune The business of combining lending and derivatives will increase the demand for tokens, reduce circulation, and lead to deflation.

3#rlc revealed on Twitter that he may collaborate with Intel in the future

4.#pyrwill have an airdrop, which will be good for the public at the end of August and early September (pay attention to the time node)

5#vra’s suggestions for changing the magic income of the token economy, deadline is the end of August

6#fetand#oceanare likely to announce a collaboration next

7.#dydx Mainnet will be launched in September/November

#ckbThefirst halving will start in November, and it is usually hyped 1/2 months in advance.

#tkoThe Indonesian exchange that Binance acquired last year is currently preparing to expand and is in discussions with investors.

1#planew games will be launched in the next few days

11.#gft web wallet will be online in about a week