Bitcoin is like a reverse bull trap, or bear trap, from early February to early April 2022.

30,000 in May 2021 and 33,000 in early February 2022 formed a huge platform for shock absorption and bullishness.

When Bitcoin broke through 48,000 at the end of March 2022, many players of the Eternal Bull Market Theory saw that the bull market had come again.

The altcoins rose sharply and violently, and the altcoins such as Waves and Waves even set a new historical high.

The new and weak players who were not familiar with the world and the players of the Eternal Bull Market shouted that the bull market would continue.

Everyone saw the subsequent trend: Luna returned to zero, Bitcoin fell below the peak of the 2017 bull market of 20,000 dollars, FTX crashed, and the altcoins fell another 80% and the big bear market officially began. We are currently in a bear market trap similar to the reverse of 2022. Do you think it makes sense?

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