Binance Futures Championship, compete for a prize pool of up to 3 million USDT!

The name of Saoge's team is "HOPE",

Last time, 7,300 teams participated, and Saoge won the 47th place! Looking forward to the help of the big guys!

1⃣️ Free chat room to get daily strategy ideas

2⃣️ Chat room to guide the market at any time

3⃣️ Get massive benefits of the contract competition

In the previous two sessions, Saoge did not have a big guy assistant, and won a total team profit of 200,000 dollars, and won 45/56th place!

This time, I look forward to the help of several big guys, sprinting for a higher ranking and profit!

1⃣️ Click the "🔔" in the upper right corner to select the first tournament event, and search for "HOPE" in the contract team to join!

2⃣️ See the reference to join!

#币安合约锦标赛 $BNB