My uncle's son just passed the civil service exam and started dating someone. At first, the girl said she was a career employee, but later my brother found out that she was a contract employee, which was similar to a public welfare position.

My uncle thought that this family had a problem with their character and disagreed at first, but my brother just wanted to marry this girl. I looked at the photo and the girl was really good-looking, 167cm tall, fair-skinned, with big eyes. My brother liked her and didn't care about her job.

My uncle's family has a house and a shop in the county town, and the rent is 40,000 yuan a year. My brother drives a Magotan and the family has a 60-acre cherry orchard.

This financial strength should be considered good.

But the girl's parents asked for a dowry of 60,000 yuan, and they had to buy the girl a car worth more than 200,000 yuan, and the girl's family had to provide home appliances and furniture.

My uncle had no choice but to let his brother split up. His brother was very upset, but he still listened to his parents and split up.

It was not because he couldn't afford a car or because the dowry was too much, but because such a family had too many things to do and there would be more trouble after marriage. #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #第55期新币挖矿IO #IO #币安用户数突破2亿 $ETH $BTC $SOL