The reason for the $HIGH plunge has been found. The official Telegram group of Highstreet reported: We recently investigated Highstreet's recent stock price movements. Our findings confirm that these movements are the result of a malicious attack on our community. Specifically, it has been determined that an entity has withdrawn 20 million tokens, of which 9 million came directly from Korean exchanges. Our team and investors actively protected the market and digested the initial 8 million of the 20 million tokens that were sold. But because these people originally purchased tokens from Bithumb and laundered money through the BSC bridge, we didn't know who we were fighting until now.

We urge all traders to exercise caution and remain vigilant.

Highstreet has no intention of harming its own projects, especially considering that we have been named one of the top 50 best partners and are about to launch equity staking in cooperation with Gudchain. Your awareness and caution are essential to maintaining the integrity and security of transactions.

So is the price of the currency at the bottom?