CPI and inflation are gradually being well controlled, but did you know that Bitcoin usually increases in price every time this event takes place?

In just a few hours, the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) will meet in the United States. This is a periodic event, including statements from the FED and financial experts on monetary policies, especially changes in interest rates.

Recently released information about CPI (y/y) shows that inflation is under good control, causing the market to expect that the FED will make positive statements, such as hinting at cutting interest rates in the second half. end of 2024.

According to data from December 2023, Bitcoin has increased by about 20% immediately after each FOMC meeting. This data shows a close connection between positive statements from the FED when CPI and inflation are well controlled and the growth of Bitcoin.

Let's wait and see the results from the upcoming FOMC meeting.

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