Today, the market has a long-short mentality. Originally, we planned the third wave of short orders for Bitcoin. However, because the market currently has a long-short mentality, a reversal of long orders appeared, so we called everyone to close the short orders in advance, because there was a bullish news at 20:30 in the evening. In the afternoon, we called fans to open two long orders: IO and PYTH. Pyth is a bottom-line call for everyone to leave the market, and io has reached the target position. The IO variety has risen by more than 20 points so far. Our fans and friends have missed the profit of this wave of orders. At present, they have only reduced their positions and are still holding them. However, it is not recommended that you place orders at night and have a good rest and wait for tomorrow's orders. Warm reminder: When trading small coins, you must pay attention to the trend of the market and remember not to go against the market.

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