CPI consumer inflation in May increased by 3.3% over the same period, slowing down from 3.4% in April.

Core CPI (excluding energy and food prices) increased by 3.4% over the same period, decelerating compared to the increase of 3.6% in April.

After positive news about CPI, the market shows the possibility of INTEREST RATE from now until the end of the year as follows:

- No interest rate reduction of 4.8%.

- One-time interest rate reduction of 25.5% (Strong reduction after CPI)

- Reduced interest rates 2 times to 42.4% (Strong increase after CPI, highest rate, expected to occur earlier in September).

- Reduce interest rate 3 times to 23.6%.

We will observe how this rate changes after the interest rate meeting at 01:00 tomorrow morning. Hope to see Chairman Powell dove 👀

Gold, Bitcoin and stock Futures contracts 🇺🇸 all increased after the news