
If you don't want to lose money, please avoid investing on June 12 and 13😵

Preview of key economic events:

June 12:

US core CPI monthly data: This data is an important indicator for measuring inflation, and its changes will directly affect market trends and monetary policy.

US CPI monthly and annual data: Similarly, as an important data reflecting price changes, CPI fluctuations will affect investors' hearts and minds.

June 13:

US federal funds rate: The Fed's interest rate decision will directly affect the flow of funds and asset prices in the global financial market.

FOMC economic forecast and statement: The Federal Open Market Committee's views on the economy and future policy directions will become an important guide for market trends.

FOMC press conference: At the press conference, the remarks and statements of Fed officials often have an immediate impact on the market.

In the next two days, the market may experience greater volatility and uncertainty

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