Throughout history, one of the most significant signs of each dynasty reaching its peak is the emergence of the solidification of social classes. Resources are increasingly concentrated on the upper class, while people at the bottom are faced with marriage and family difficulties and are forced to remain single.

After a stable governance structure is established, it will gradually reach its internal stability mechanism through approximately fifty or sixty years of operation and adjustment. In this process, the boundaries between various social classes gradually became clearer, the upward path became narrower, and the flow between classes decreased, forming a stable hierarchical structure.

When society continues to develop in a harmonious and stable environment, it will take about two generations of reproduction to meet the amount of "labor force" required for the operation of society.

However, once the labor force exceeds this equilibrium point, it may become a factor of social instability.

Looking back at history, the root causes of the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty and the Taiping Rebellion in the late Qing Dynasty can be attributed to the social problems caused by "surplus labor force". These historical events show that the balance between labor supply and demand is crucial to the stability and development of a society.

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