Tonight's CPI is expected to give BTC 2,000 points of space. The script is ready. Are you ready?

CPI is a key indicator of the Fed's future monetary policy. The market is looking for signs that the Fed will shift in the coming weeks. Investors are already reducing risk before the data is released.

CPI is expected to be 3.4% year-on-year, the same level as last month. Core CPI is expected to rise 3.5% year-on-year.

Since the results of the CPI release are unknown, all we can do is prepare for all possible scenarios tomorrow.

CPI below expectations (<span good, indicating lower inflation than expected

CPI in line with expectations (=3.4%/3.5%) - neutral, but leaning towards good, because the market reduced risk before the data was released and there is no reason to sell

CPI above expectations (>3.4%/3.5%) - bad, higher inflation than expected will lead to a rise in the US dollar

The expected market will fall first and then continue to fall, and the detailed script is ready! Comment 666 to get it for free! #美联储利率决策即将公布 #BTC☀️