There is a reason why the Chinese area is doomed to fail!

After more than a month of excitement, I found that the quality gap between the Chinese and English areas is huge. 1-Let's talk about the simple ones first.

The most shared programs in the Chinese area are basically mindless Tx programs such as staking/exchanging/lending, and a considerable part of them are directly copied from the English area, with some words such as "killing two birds with one stone" and "investing 5U and returning 8000U", which leads to everyone mindlessly piling up numbers. However, the results of zksync also show that you are the fish. 2-The blast gold mode is completely different from the previous L2. It requires you to really study and calculate the cost. In the process of research, you are likely to find that some cache , and these caches will be repaired at any time, which is a process of bargaining with the website;

For players, it is just to roll costs with you. The whole process requires you to pay attention to the dynamics of the project at any time and find the most favorable cost strategy for the exhibition. 3-It must be painful to play it hard in the early stage, because you can hardly find any valuable sharing on the basis of playing, and many Chinese areas do not have Chinese areas, you can only translate, a word of honest advice; but in the English area, you can see a lot of high-quality strategy sharing, such as Fantasy card combinations, cost calculation, of course, it is not ruled out that everyone is playing it secretly, but there are very few people who play it hard in the Chinese area, especially 'KOL' Another sensitive issue, you should contact him as soon as possible when he is popular. One day, I saw his article "XX Gold", and a group of people said it was amazing~~~ and because I am a researcher of XX Gold, I almost laughed out loud, because his researchers of XX Gold can calculate it for him, 90% of which are early user rewards and new user invitations. Don't ask me how I know, this has nothing to do with interaction, and others can only get a penny~ )#kolunite #io项目 #syn #热门推荐 #Btcoin