In fact, every decline is really an opportunity to get on board!

Pay attention to those strong popular currencies, and the rebound is really at least 20% higher!

Like the popular currencies in the meme sector: pepe, people, bome, wif, floki, bonk, etc.

Like STX, ORDI, etc. in the second-layer ecology of the big cake

Like WLD, ARKM, PHB, etc. in the AI ​​intelligent sector

Like GALA, YGG, NOT, etc. in the game sector

Like SOL, ETHFI, JTO, ENA, BB, ULTI, etc. Popular currencies

These rebounds are very fierce, and every opportunity to fall cannot be missed. Choose the right currency layout, and it’s okay to eat a rebound in the short term!

If you don’t know where to start the layout, come with Dabai, and the old irons with more than 10wu will eat a wave of short-term operations together!

$PEPE $PEOPLE $FLOKI #美联储利率决策即将公布 #meme板块关注热点 #币安用户数突破2亿