Trends and strategies of the altcoin sector

The altcoin sector followed the mainstream coin pullback, and most of the coins fell. Wait and see today, waiting for the mainstream coins to stabilize.

RGB++ starts free casting: The recent on-chain activity has increased. RGB++ is a very good new protocol that has a positive effect on the construction of the BTC ecosystem. The market continues to be sluggish, and the time to buy the bottom has come. You can consider buying lightly and buy when no one cares.

European Cup series fan coins: This round of pullback is large, wait for this round of rebound to exit, and no longer enter the market. Pay attention to the evening data. If the data is not good, clear the position directly.

Rune market: It has started to pick up recently, and the trading volume has increased. Pay attention to high-quality coins in the rune market and wait for the second wash to start.
