1. After waiting for 4 years, zksync finally issued a coin. I checked and found that it was all low-income security. The single number had 1000-2000 zk. According to the OTC price of $0.4 per unit, the single number earned about $500. ​

2. Each large-scale airdrop will affect the subsequent airdrop rules, so it is necessary to review the airdrop rules of zksync. The difference between zksync's airdrop and other large-scale airdrops is that users holding zksync's native tokens, NFTs, using paymaster, etc. will become airdrop weights.

3. Many people say that the airdrop rules of zksync are prepared for insider trading. Lajiaoge believes that it is normal for a project to have insider trading, after all, greed is human nature. What we need to do is to grasp the right scale in order to get the most airdrops. #ZKS以太坊空投 #zkSync