🚨If you are not careful when you withdraw U, you will get a court summons? !

Must read!

Teach you how to avoid these trading traps! 💥

🔒Friends, it is so important to keep your deposits safe! You will get into big trouble if you are not careful, and even receive a court summons! I have personally experienced a thrilling lesson.

🕵️‍♂️Once I bought U worth thousands of yuan, and was sued by a stranger! This is what happened: a friend of a friend of a friend needed U, so I gave him my Alipay mobile phone number. Unexpectedly, this person was a liar. He deceived those who wanted to buy motorcycles to pay me the deposit, saying that it was money for buying oil. After receiving the money, I paid the oil and thought the matter was over.

⚖️A few days later, the person who bought the motorcycle contacted me through Alipay and asked me if I was the motorcycle finance. I said no, he asked me to return the money, and I said I had already paid the oil. As a result, he sued me. The liar ran away, and the victim couldn't find him, so he could only find me.

❗Therefore, in the future, when conducting similar transactions, you must pay attention to the following principles to avoid pitfalls:

1. Do not trade with unfamiliar people;

2. If introduced by an acquaintance, you must also add Alipay friends and confirm the transaction details;

3. Try to avoid too many OTC transactions. If you have the conditions, you can go to Hong Kong to apply for a U card.

🌐We choose OTC transactions to avoid bank cards being frozen, but in fact the risk is greater. This industry lacks supervision, opportunities and risks coexist, everyone must remember these lessons and protect the safety of their funds!

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