Odaily Planet Daily News According to official news, Sushi issued further explanation on recent progress: Sushi DAO continues to operate in a decentralized manner. Sushi DAO has not been replaced or dissolved and will continue to operate, playing a vital role in governance and decision-making; Sushi Protocol: Still permissionless, the protocol's services are fully open to the public; Sushi Bar income distribution: income is still distributed to the bar, and xSUSHI holders are entitled to share part of the platform's transaction fees; Sushi Labs: Build better products for users faster. Sushi Labs aims to complement Sushi DAO, promote faster and more efficient development, and help Sushi maintain its leading position in the competitive DeFi field. While Sushi Labs will drive innovation, the governance and decision-making process will remain decentralized. The new management structure includes committees to ensure community participation and transparency. Sushi adopts a council structure that enables the community to manage resources effectively. The new structure includes four committees: Sushi High Kitchen, Treasury Council, Grants Council, and Ambassador Council. Yesterday, Sushi announced the launch of Sushi Labs, which will develop a multi-token product suite, execute Sushi's ecological strategy, and explore solutions to enhance Sushi's products. Sushi Labs also announced a roadmap, with key projects including Route Processor, a multi-token product suite, and Susa (ETH-based perpetual contract DEX).