The expectation of interest rate cuts has twists and turns again, pay close attention!

In the early morning of June 13, the Federal Reserve will usher in the interest rate decision. Will this decision become a turning point for the US dollar?

On Wednesday, the Bank of Canada took the lead in firing the first shot of interest rate cuts, and the European Central Bank followed closely and announced an interest rate cut on the second day. After the two G7s cut interest rates in succession, the market is bound to ask a question, when will the remaining central banks cut interest rates? ——The first to bear the brunt is the Federal Reserve.

At present, the market is quite pessimistic about the Federal Reserve. At the beginning of the year, the market expected that the Federal Reserve might cut interest rates 3-4 times this year, but now, the market only expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates once.

The virtual currency market continues to fall

From a technical perspective, it can be seen that BTC performed sluggishly during the Dragon Boat Festival. On the morning of June 11, it fell below the support of the middle track of the Bollinger Band for many days. From the peak this month, the decline was 6.5%, and the decline of altcoins was about 15%. The next trend should focus on the CPI on the 12th and 13th, as well as the Federal Reserve’s decision!

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