Odaily Planet Daily reported that Rob Marrocco, vice president and global head of ETF listings at Cboe, believes that crypto ETFs other than Bitcoin and Ethereum are unlikely to appear until the market and regulatory environment change. Marrocco said in the ETF Store podcast on June 11 that the market's expectations for Solana and XRP spot ETFs are unrealistic in the short term because there is no futures market for these cryptocurrencies, which is the main factor in approving Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs. He added that this means that the only feasible way to bring the Solana ETF to market is to first pass the Solana futures ETF and then pave the way for the spot ETF. Marocco further stated that even if Solana futures ETFs are introduced, they will need to trade for a long time to establish a good record. However, this process may take quite a long time to bear fruit. (CryptoSlate)