Odaily Planet Daily News Bill Miller IV, billionaire investor, chairman and CIO of Miller Value Partners, reiterated his firm belief in Bitcoin in a blog post titled "Why I'm Still Betting on Bitcoin" on June 11. Miller believes that Bitcoin is still seriously "undervalued" and predicts that there will be a major shift in global capital governance. He emphasized that the traditional monetary system, which is subject to human judgment and political manipulation, is inherently flawed. And Bitcoin, as a secure, immutable and automated system, offers a better option. He added: "Fundamentally, currency is a system of accountability, and Bitcoin represents a breakthrough in ensuring accountability through technology rather than human intervention." He also emphasized Bitcoin's ability to transfer property rights through time and space without human permission. Miller further stated that Bitcoin is becoming a core role in the evolving capital and monetary system, and this transformation is still in its early stages. (CryptoSlate)