​Maybe Elon Musk is #Satoshi.

Several arguments and matches:

- The email address X (dot) com was on the mailing list, where Satoshi also sent the Bitcoin white paper.

- By that time; When the first block #Bitcoin was generated, Elon Musk was already rich, so there was no need for him to sell any of Satoshi's coin.

- Lived in the Bay Area in the mid-2000s (where Satoshi's IP address was registered)

- Uses double spaces between words in the text, just like Satoshi.

- Code #Btc is written in C++ (the most powerful programming language that Elon Musk speaks)

- meme-like dialect (“retarded” “if you don’t believe me, I don’t have time to convince you”)

The only thing missing was connecting the world to a transparent monetary network. (In Bitcoin, all transactions are visible)

- Elon’s son’s name is X Æ A-Xii. Æ = Ash = Ash from the Pokemon called Satoshi in Japanese.

Now live with it.

#Crypto #Notcoin