My colleague kept asking me how much money I had saved over the years. I said, "Why are you asking me this?" She said, "I'm just curious, how much money can a middle-aged person save?" I said I had 500,000 or 600,000 yuan. She said, "Lend me 300,000 yuan for half a year." I said I didn't have that much money, it was all in my wife's hands. Do you want 30,000 yuan? She said yes. The words were out of my mouth, so I had to lend her 30,000 yuan. After 3 months, she returned the money to me, and gave me 5,000 yuan more. I said no, and she said it was okay, I made a lot of money with your money. She also said, "If you had given me 300,000 yuan at the beginning, I would have to give you 50,000 yuan more now." I said it was a pity. She took the opportunity to say, "How about this, you go back and discuss with your wife, lend me 300,000 yuan, this time for half a year, and I will definitely not treat you badly when the time comes." When I got home and told my wife about this, she said she couldn't lend me a penny. I was able to give you 5,000 yuan more before, which was equivalent to buying bones with a thousand gold, in order to gain your trust. This time, if you lend her 300,000 yuan, I guarantee that you won't ask for it back. Let's analyze it, does what my wife said make sense? #美联储利率决策即将公布 #IO价格预测 #币安用户数突破2亿 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 $PEOPLE $PEPE $NOT