Plato, known as the first Eat2Earn Web3 application, has partnered with Cyber. Plato is a specialised Layer 2 (L2) solution designed for social applications. The partnership aims to redefine on-chain and social experiences within the Web3 space. It combines Plato’s focus on community engagement with Cyber’s advanced platform to create unique experiences for Web3 users.

Plato Introduces On-Chain Reputation System with Badges

Plato will implement Cuisine Connoisseur Badges, which will be minted via Cyber’s Layer 2. This set of badges illustrates a new type of on-chain reputation system, enabling Plato users to possess evidence-based reputations by verifying their dining experiences. Users can earn and flaunt their badges, which are transparent about the community, showcasing each of the five levels and the bonus multipliers awarding activeness.

Built on Optimism’s Superchain and EigenLayer infrastructure, the Cyber platform introduces functionality like account abstraction and gas sponsorship. It allows for seamless Web3 experiences that are as easy-to-use as Web2. For instance, you can authenticate by using FaceID. The Cyber platform will be fully integrated with Plato’s experiences to provide an ever-changing and transparent bridge between its on-chain and traditional forms.

It is difficult to measure the validity of the reviews of a good restaurant that can be found on Google and Yelp. Robert Kao, Co-founder of Plato to solve this problem, he thinks Plato Cuisine will put out its own Connoisseur Badge on Cyber in order to construct a base of collaborative real-life social experience.

Plato Reports 395% MoM Surge in New Dining Sessions

Plato has chosen to launch on Cyber and await the experience of more Web3 first applications in the real-world experience. The launch of the Cuisine Connoisseur Badges means that members will receive credit for trying new foods, improving their dining experiences and bringing additional utility to the Plato platform.

At present, the Plato application has more than 25,000 users per month. The app has a Month-over-Month (MoM) user growth. Furthermore, a significant 395% MoM growth in new dining sessions has also been observed on the platform. The project will use the above products to help to grow local restaurant foot traffic and illustrate how a number of Web3 use cases can potentially become a part of everyday life.