PANews news on June 11, according to Cointelegraph, from June 6 to 9, more than 185 million people in the 27 EU member states voted to elect candidates for the new European Parliament (the EU’s legislative body) for a five-year term. Year. This critical event will determine the political direction of the European Union over the next five years, and cryptocurrencies and blockchain are no exception. The election results were mixed: the Christian Democrats won 10 seats, while the Social Democrats held steady and lost only 4 seats, while the pro-business (and pro-cryptocurrency) European Renaissance group lost 23 seats. The Greens also took a hit, losing 18 seats, while far-right parties made significant gains.

The newly elected European Parliament will significantly influence the future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in the EU. Each political group has a different perspective: the European People's Party (EPP) favors balanced regulation to support growth and innovation, while the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) prioritize strict rules to prevent abuse and support a digital euro. develop. Renew Europe advocates a positive stance on digital assets and promotes the development of a digital euro and European digital identity.

Given the diverse composition of Parliament, debates and potential adjustments to frameworks such as MiCA are expected. The presence of far-right and conservative parties adds complexity, some of which are skeptical of the digital euro and prioritize strict anti-money laundering measures. Meanwhile, smaller groups like the Greens and the Left emphasize environmental issues and social justice in digital finance.