Zksync released an announcement today, planning to start airdrop next week, and you can start checking your rights today. When I was overjoyed and entered the address, I got the message Unfortunately, address is not eligible for the airdrop. When I kept smiling and patiently entered the next address again, it was still Unfortunately, address is not eligible for the airdrop. Until the smile on my face disappeared, it slowly turned into heaviness, disbelief, and finally despair! I didn’t expect that a project that I had been holding back for four years and I had worked hard to lay out for 18 months would give me such a blow. I really couldn’t help but want to spray “fuck your mother”

It is not just me. Almost all retail investors and KOLs on the Internet have no good results. The low-quality accounts are almost wiped out, and the high-quality accounts can't even say 100%, with a hit rate of almost 0. In contrast, ZK's rat warehouse is flying.

According to the analysis of an unknown netizen, this airdrop mechanism is basically tailor-made for rat trading.

Having said that, I feel really tired. I dare say that among all the L2 players, ZK has the highest expectations, because he has been PUAing for the longest time, and Vitalik is most optimistic about his skills.

But what is Zksync’s response to this?

That's right, this is the response. Let me translate it for you. Regarding the airdrop, I set the rules. Those who haven't done it will definitely not get it. I have the final say on whether you have done it or not. For those who have done it but didn't get it, we don't take any responsibility. It's all your own responsibility. You are really acting like a whore and trying to disgust everyone. You put down your bowl and start to smash the pot!

In the final analysis, I think that the current blockchain has not yet reached the stage of having any practical application value. If you do these things, even if you make money, will you still have development in the future?

This is the current price of zk in the OTC market. The sharp drop is probably caused by this disgusting thing! Ethereum is almost dying now. With ZK doing this, I can only say that no one can escape from the fate.

Okay, I’m tired of scolding you. Save your energy to continue scolding on Twitter.

Today’s article is about emotions. There is no main plot, nor much rationality. It is simply for venting. I hope all the fur lovers are doing well. Come on!

#zksync #strk #撸毛 #内容挖矿