🚨 Russia: Would Vladimir Putin like to focus on cryptocurrency mining?

⭐️ Osman Kabaolev, the deputy director of the financial policy department of the Ministry of Finance, confirmed the news to local media Izvestia. For the moment, Bitcoin mining is not recognized as an economic activity in the middle of the Russian Federation

⭐️But the Ministry of Finance wants to change this: cryptocurrency mining will soon have an OKVED code, that is to say a classification which details the nature of an economic activity. This classification governs in particular the specificities linked to taxes and state aid. This is also what opens the door to certain licenses

⭐️ But before this happens, a law governing cryptocurrency mining will need to be approved, again according to Oman Kabaolev. This would take Bitcoin miners out of the gray zone in which they currently operate. Russia has not in fact legislated clearly on this subject.

⭐️ We recall that last March, Vladimir Putin signed a law authorizing digital financial assets and central bank digital currencies (MNBC) for international payments. The law governing mining and cryptocurrencies in general would therefore be a logical continuation. #minage #russia #cryptomonnaie #bitcoinhalvingn