Those who have not yet accumulated significant wealth often fall into a linear mindset.

They desire to see earnings grow every day and every month, so their plans tend to focus on short-term gains. Once they cannot see the expected benefits in a short period of time, they will easily lose their rhythm and even start to act blindly, which may eventually lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

However, those who have achieved significant wealth know that without the right timing and trends, rapid growth in wealth will be difficult to achieve no matter how hard they try. Therefore, they prefer to wait and when the best opportunity presents itself, they move quickly to seize every opportunity that may bring huge rewards. Such an opportunity may be difficult for many people to encounter in their lifetime.

In the field of digital currency, this difference is particularly obvious. Those with small initial capital are often more likely to be seduced by various temptations and ignore potential risks due to their eagerness to see profits, and often end up with losses.

On the contrary, those who have more initial capital are more prudent when investing. Although they may not get a high rate of return, they can continue to make profits and gradually accumulate amazing wealth through the compound interest effect. They understand that accumulation of wealth does not happen overnight and requires patience and strategy.

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