ZK has issued a coin. If it goes online, please short this coin. You don’t need to look to know that Twitter and Binance Square are all wailing because of ZK. If Binance launches ZK, please short this coin. I hope that coin friends will not buy this coin. In fact, no matter how many coins the project party airdrops, I am very pessimistic about this second-layer project. From the early ARB and OP to the recent STRK, they are all coins that eat people without spitting out bones. The price of ARB has not changed and the market value has doubled. The highest price of STRK is 7u when it goes online. Now it is about to fall below 1u. Therefore, please short it when ZK goes online. At that time, I will be the first to short it. These garbage second-layers will eventually return to zero. I said. #op走势 #arb解锁 $OP $ARB $STRK #zk空投