CPI is coming, the market is panicking, and everyone is arbitrage-taking and leaving in advance. It seems that everyone is worried about the negative CPI tomorrow and Powell's negative speech, so they run away in advance, and the market panics and falls. This wave of decline is a bit fierce, and it is far from the bottom, so before 20:30 tomorrow night, it is not recommended to rush into the market to buy the bottom. At present, the lowest price of big cake has dropped to 66770, and there is no sign of stopping the decline. The next support is 65200. In terms of operation, either light position chasing shorts or rebounding high. It is not the time to buy the bottom.

The next support is 3435, and there is still room for decline and fall below. Don't buy the bottom either. Wait for the market to test the support and rebound, and then participate in the long position after CPI lands! #美联储利率决策即将公布