There are frequent thefts of coins and U in the cryptocurrency circle. How can we avoid being hit? Today, I will give you some tips and teach you how to prevent risks!

First of all, choosing a safe operating system is the key.

It is recommended that you use iOS and mac systems, while Android and windows systems are recommended to avoid use because they are more vulnerable to attacks.

Secondly, the private key is the core of the wallet and must be kept properly.

It is recommended to write the private key on paper and store it in a safe place. Do not take screenshots and save them on mobile phones or other devices.

At the same time, DeFi wallets and commonly used wallets should be managed separately to reduce risks.

In addition, when performing DeFi authorization and other operations on the chain, except for large platforms such as Uniswap, other platforms must remember to cancel authorization after each operation to prevent abuse of authority.

In addition, there are still many cases of fake addresses, so be careful.

Do not copy the address directly on the chain, but copy the commonly used address.

If a friend gives you an address, be sure to ask them to provide the address and screenshots for verification.

Finally, remember to set up security measures in multiple places such as exchanges, mobile phones, Google and emails to ensure all-round protection.

To prevent theft of coins and U, we need to be vigilant at all times and take multiple measures to ensure safety.

I hope everyone can benefit from the above suggestions and stay away from risks.