ETH fell back to 3500 this time, let's see if it can stabilize. If 3500 can't stabilize, then look at 3200, and wait for it to stabilize and take delivery!

BTC returned to 67000 this time, and we also see if it can stabilize. If not, it will be adjusted back to 60000 to stabilize, and take the spot in the short term!

I also said about ordi, since it has fallen, it is unlikely to go above 70 in the short term, and go to unwind the locked-in position before!

io will open at 8 pm tonight. The private placement cost of this coin is 1 dollar. If it goes online near 1 dollar, you can buy it at the bottom, but the opening price, I feel it will be around 3-5 dollars

I haven't posted these days because there is nothing to say recently, and trading is not always trading, so you need to wait patiently for trading opportunities!

If you still have any questions, you can leave a message in the comment area and answer it online!


#IO价格预测 #BTC走势预测 #ETH走势分析
