
Reasons for losses in cryptocurrency trading:

1. Sell the one that is rising and hold the one that is losing.

If you see a little profit, you will rush to pocket it. This way, you will never make a big profit. On the contrary, when facing losses, they can hold it for a long time. But there is such an unnamed agreement in the cryptocurrency circle, that is, the better the rise, the happier it will rise, and the harder the fall, the more it will fall. This is like a pond, with very little water flowing in and a lot of water flowing out. Over time, even the biggest pond will dry up.

2. Can't control your hands, always want to buy that after selling this, and always have a full warehouse.

Many people don't give themselves time to breathe, even if they just come out of the profit, they start to invest in another channel. They always believe that as long as I work hard enough, I will have endless money. But the cryptocurrency circle is different from other places. It is obviously unrealistic to want to win every time. It pays attention to timing. As long as you seize a big opportunity, you don't have to worry about not making money. When it is difficult to make money, you always keep participating and struggling. If you don't lose money, who will?

Let's talk about full warehouse again. This is very dangerous. Especially when diving and waterfall, you will find how happy it is to not have a full warehouse.

3. Impulsive, too impulsive! Always chasing ups and downs.

It is difficult for people not to be affected by human nature. Seeing other currencies rising, it is like missing out on 100 million. In the face of a decline, I always want to buy at the bottom and get a big bargain, but it is this mentality that makes me buy at the bottom and buy at the peak and halfway up the mountain...

People should be more rational, which is what I often say to myself. I always ask myself why I want to take action and what is its logic? Maybe it is this good habit that allows me to avoid a lot of trouble.