Let's first look at the operating principle of the first-hand black currency dealer:

Part-time workers (college students) are tricked into registering exchange currency accounts. The registrants do not know what they have registered for, and then they place orders to buy U and connect with the telecommunications fraud market.

The moment a retail investor pays U to a black-hearted cryptocurrency dealer, the dealer will call the retail investor and say that his bank card limit has been reached and he will use his family’s card to transfer the money to the investor, saying that the funds are safely frozen and compensation will be provided.

Retail investors have no experience and think it is a big deal. They agree and provide their payment cards. The currency dealer then sends the retail investor’s bank account to the market staff. The telecommunications fraud personnel at the market will send the retail investor’s card number to the telecommunications fraud victims, and the victims will transfer the money to the retail investors.

Retail investors - currency traders - market - victims (bank account transfer process). #内容挖矿 #BTC

For example, if the victim is defrauded of 100,000 yuan, the currency trader can obtain a maximum profit of 55,000 yuan. When the victim finds out that he has been defrauded and reports to the police the next day, the retail investor's bank card will be frozen, and he will be put on the card-cutting and punishment list, and the card can only be unfrozen after compensation.

How to break this situation?

The first is to never accept non-real-name payments, that is, the certified name of the exchange merchant must be consistent with the payee, no matter what reason he uses, do not accept it.

The second is that when you have encountered this kind of scam, you must not click to confirm the payment. Let us fight against the currency dealer.

If you receive non-real-name payment funds from a currency dealer, go to the bank immediately to cancel the card or withdraw cash and leave, and then ignore the currency dealer. No matter how the currency dealer and customer service contact you, you must not say on the phone that you have received the funds.

If the situation is delayed until the next day, the cryptocurrency traders can no longer bear it, because by then the victims may have already called the police and are no longer under the control of the market.

If you ask the currency dealer to provide payment receipt at this time, the currency dealer will not be able to contact the victim, that is, he cannot provide payment records.

You can keep delaying, asking the currency dealer to provide the identity information of the payee, go to the bank to print out paper transaction records and take selfies. The victim will not listen to the currency dealer's instructions, and the bookmaker will not dare to contact the victim again, so they cannot provide this evidence.

You can provide all the information about the money you have not received and make a bank statement by yourself.

The currency dealer has no way to provide proof of payment, so you can complain to the exchange that the currency dealer did not make the payment and order the return of the USDT.

You will have USDT and black money in your hand, and then you tell your uncle that you have helped the victim recover his loss, return the money to the victim, and ask your uncle to unfreeze your card and issue a certificate of not being involved in the case. The red scarf on your chest will be brighter, and the victim will also thank you.

If someone really wants to kill a black-hearted cryptocurrency trader, and if the cryptocurrency trader has frozen your card and ignored you, then you can also do him a favor.

First, find an 80-year-old account to register an exchange and sell coins to dealers who require real-name payment. These dealers are usually among your WeChat friends. They are not dishonest people, but semi-legitimate dealers. They just won’t help you deal with it after freezing your card, so don’t beg them.

Then you ask him to use U, and you re-register your grandfather's account, and ask him to transfer the money to your grandfather's card. At this time, the currency dealer will ask you to release the currency, and you can tell him that you are sorry, I forgot the trading password, I will refund you the money. After you find the password again the next day, you can trade, and the money will be returned to you by the original route. The currency dealer has no reason to refuse.

You immediately take your grandfather to the bank to withdraw cash and leave, then connect to the market in advance to enter your grandfather's account and make a black bet. Immediately call the currency dealer with a note: the call was made incorrectly and the money will be returned by the original route, and tell the exchange customer service that the refund has been made and the USDT has been returned.

You will have USDT and cash transferred to you by the currency trader.

At this time, the currency traders actually have black funds in their hands. The cards will be frozen the next day, and your grandfather’s card will be no longer needed.

This is using your spear to attack your shield, learning from the barbarians to defeat them. (This is a criminal act and is only for legal education. Do not imitate it.)

There are also many people whose cards are frozen by legitimate currency traders of the exchange, or by long-term currency traders. At the beginning, they acted like brothers, but in the end, they ignored them after their cards were frozen. This is very disgusting. So how do you get rid of such currency traders?

The first is to sue in court. For sales contract disputes, you can directly enter the WeChat mini program and find the free indictment online.

Sales contract disputes


Plaintiff: XX Gender: X Born on X/X/19XX Nationality: Han

ID number: XXXXX

Phone number: XXXXXX

Address: XXXXXX

Defendant: XX Gender: X Born on XX/XX/19XX Nationality: X

ID number: XXX

Address: XXXX

Phone number: XXX


1. Order the defendant to pay the USDT order amount of RMB 100,000 on the OUYI platform.

2. The costs of litigation shall be borne by the defendant.

Facts and reasons:

On March 15, 2024, the plaintiff placed an order to sell 13,513.5 USDT (Tether) for the first time through the trading page of the digital currency exchange OKX, and agreed with the buyer (the defendant) on a system order of 7.4 yuan per coin. During the transaction, the defendant frequently called me to interfere with my operations. Since I was not familiar with the operations during the first transaction, I confirmed the order and delivered the digital assets to the defendant without receiving the money from the defendant.

In order to protect my own legal rights, I hereby file a lawsuit with your court. I hope that your court will find out the facts, make a judgment according to the law, and make the judgment as requested.


XX District People's Court of XX City

The person who filed the complaint

year month day

The evidence materials include the platform's order records, screenshots of the currency trader's real-name authentication page, and one's own bank card statements, to prove that there were transactions and that no funds were received from the currency trader himself.

Don't worry, the currency traders will never dare to appear in court, so a trial in absentia will be in your favor. If he dares to appear in court directly and provide you with other people's payment records, you can just call the police and ask your uncle to arrest him, and provide the court trial records to block the evidence. This is obviously money laundering.

This is an open conspiracy. First, smash the pot, then repair it. Use all the above information to apply to the uncle in another city to unfreeze your bank card to prove that it was obtained in good faith.

Kill three birds with one stone. You have the initiative in your own hands and will not be manipulated by others! !


How to kill a legitimate currency trader?

Use this trick with caution, only when the currency dealer messes with you first and you are powerless to do anything about it. This is an act that seriously damages the ecology. It should only be used when it is a matter of life and death and the currency dealer has made you lose all your money.

Who is responsible for the behavior of cryptocurrency traders?

The People's Bank of China, China Anti-Money Laundering Detection and Analysis Center!!

OK, then we can get started.

Report letter requesting the ban on illegal financial activities such as XXX acting as a central counterparty to buy and sell virtual currencies

The People's Bank of China, China Anti-Money Laundering Detection and Analysis Center:

I am XX, male, born on X/X/19XX, Han nationality, living at No.XXXXX. Citizen ID number: XXXX. Contact number: XXXX.

The person being reported: XXX, other identity information is unknown.

Related illegal bank account information:

XX Bank, account number XXXXX.

I. Basic Situation

On March 15, 2024, I discovered that Zhang San, under the nickname "XX Coin Bank", conducted illegal financial activities of buying and selling virtual currencies as a central counterparty (hereinafter referred to as "C2C transactions") on the virtual currency trading platform "okx" with the website address XXX (hereinafter referred to as "OKX"), involving the exchange of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, USDC and RMB.

II. Scale of Illegal Activities

According to the introduction of XXX on the homepage of the Ouyi platform, this person registered as a C2C transaction merchant on the platform on X/X/202X, and is a transaction merchant on the platform. A transaction merchant is someone who needs to pay a deposit equivalent to USD 10,000. As of April 15, 2024, this person had a total of XXXXX transactions on the platform. From this alone, it can be concluded that the amount of transactions involved in the case is extremely huge, with a wide range of influence, and that he often conducts transactions without real-name registration and helps transfer funds for telecommunications fraud.

3. Derivative Issues

Since the Payment and Settlement Department of the Business Department of the People's Bank of China issued the "Notice on Carrying out Self-Inspection and Rectification of Payment Services for Illegal Virtual Currency Transactions" on January 17, 2018, Bank Management Payment [2018] No. 11, China, Agriculture, Industry, Construction State-owned and other joint-stock banks, private banks, and non-bank payment institutions such as China Securities Regulatory Commission and the People’s Bank of China have successively issued statements stating that in accordance with the interview and guidance requirements of the relevant departments of the People’s Bank of China, they will continue to carry out crackdowns on virtual currency transactions. Once relevant behaviors are discovered , will immediately take measures such as suspending account transactions, terminating customer relationships, and report to relevant departments in a timely manner.

XXX used bank and non-bank payment institution accounts to conduct virtual currency transactions nearly 20,000 times, and is still engaged in this illegal activity. There must be deep-seated reasons that led to the failure of supervision.

IV. Reporting Matters

According to the relevant regulations of the document "Notice on Further Preventing and Dealing with the Risks of Virtual Currency Transaction Speculation" (Yinfa [2021] No. 237) issued by the People's Bank of China and ten other ministries and commissions on September 14, 2021, virtual currency transaction speculation activities are on the rise, disrupting the economic and financial order, breeding illegal and criminal activities such as gambling, illegal fundraising, fraud, pyramid schemes, money laundering, and seriously endangering the property safety of the people.

Virtual currency-related business activities are illegal financial activities. Acting as a central counterparty to buy and sell virtual currencies and other illegal financial activities are strictly prohibited and must be resolutely banned in accordance with the law. Those who engage in related illegal financial activities that constitute a crime shall be held criminally liable in accordance with the law.

In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of identifying and discovering virtual currency trading speculation activities, I hereby provide clues and make reports.


If the currency dealer really dares to cheat you or freeze your card and ignore you, this method will kill anyone who is caught with it. Use it with caution, as you can completely send the currency dealer to jail on your own.