Odaily Planet Daily News LayerZero CEO Bryan Pellegrino posted on the X platform: "Here is how we currently consider qualifications from a broad perspective. The focus is obviously on real users, and the most fair, widely distributed, highly consistent, and most persistent users. This is largely inspired by the results of the witch process, and any real final definition will come directly from LayerZero, not me. The initial wallets are 6 million, and 3 million wallets have less than 5 transactions, so these wallets are to be seriously considered. All transactions below $1.00 are downgraded by 80%, but are still calculated at 1/5 of normal transactions, as are all 'valueless NFTs'. Transactions are then normalized based on protocol fees, and the minimum value of this item is the qualification standard, as is the maximum/cap, based on a multiplier for early use. In general: eliminate witches, eliminate junk transactions, semi-linear caps, reward early users, reward persistent users, reward all non-standard protocol interactions through RFP, such as LP, etc., and focus on the fairest and optimal distribution of the protocol."