A person with a strong mentality often exhibits the following points:

1. Mood stability: Not easily affected by external factors and without major mood fluctuations, able to control and manage one's mood better.

2. Confidence and steadfastness: Have a clear awareness of yourself and confidence in your abilities and values, not easily faltering when faced with difficulties and challenges.

3. Strong pressure resistance: Can endure great pressure and setbacks, is not easily defeated, can quickly recover from difficult circumstances and continue to move forward.

4. Adapt to change: flexibly adapt to all environmental changes and new situations, not afraid of change, actively cope.

5. Independent spirit: Not depending on the recognition and evaluation of others to define oneself, having one's own independent thoughts and evaluations.

6. Optimism and positivity: Always look at everything from the positive side, keep an optimistic attitude towards life.

7. Tolerance and generosity: Tolerance and generosity towards the mistakes and shortcomings of others, without discrimination, with a big heart.

8. Clear goals: Clearly know your goals and ideals, and consistently strive for them.

9. Dare to face fear: Courage to face inner fear and anxiety, do not run away, try to overcome it.

10. Stay calm and rational: Remain calm in complex and emergency situations, analyze and handle problems rationally.#binance #SATS1000