How can a novice make money in trading?

Example: How to avoid losing money and even make money in a game without knowing how to play Texas Hold'em

1. Play a novice game, you are a novice, and you have to play with novices;

2. Only play JQKA and pairs, and abandon the rest.

Similarly, even if you are a new leeks, you can survive and even make money in this circle by relying on these two things:

1. There are too many fools in the currency circle, most of them are here to get rich quickly. It is much easier to outperform most vegetables than in other markets.

2. Don't make a move if there is no big opportunity, give up everything.

When trading, you cannot have the concept of principal, and get rid of the anchoring effect in your mind.

If you have 100,000 yuan today and 90,000 yuan tomorrow, then your principal is 90,000 yuan now. Looking forward, every day is a new day;

You must also learn to play with profits. If you invest 100,000 yuan and earn 100,000 yuan, then withdraw the principal and only keep the profit in the market. If you have the ability, 100,000 yuan can become 200,000 yuan. If it is just luck, then 200,000 yuan will be lost;

If you lose money at the beginning and lose a lot, you should temporarily withdraw from the market. On the one hand, read more books to calm down, on the other hand, wait for a big opportunity to buy spot, and then wait for the return of the capital to play again. If you don’t return the capital, you must not touch futures again.

When trading, the rate of return is not important. If you want to make a lot of money, the first thing is to have a trend and reduce the frequency of transactions.

The second is to have a heavy position. Don't go back and forth in long and short positions according to human nature.

Success starts with imitating the operation methods of excellent people. If you have no trading knowledge and no correct trading concept, and are unwilling to learn and think, you can't even read a book, and you are destined to be a vegetable.

If you don't know how to do it in a bull market, click on my avatar to watch Zhu Ye Jin Lan (free of charge).

At this stage, we are all planning some good currencies. If you are not good at screening strong currencies, you can use this as a reference.

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