In the past week, people had two big swings. Because I told you at the time, I included it in my first echelon.

The first time was on June 3, the strategy bought at around 0.1001, and on June 6, 0.126 sold 50% of the position at least, with a profit of 26%.

The second time was released 12 hours before the plunge last Friday (June 8), the strategy was bought at 0.1033 with a limit order, and last Saturday (June 9), the strategy automatically sold 50% of the position at 26%. After the highest point of the band rose by 40%, another 20% of the position was sold, and the cumulative shipment of 70% of the position was 30% to 40% again.

The cumulative profit of these two times is 50%+, which is a terrifying profit. You don’t need to open leverage and contracts for such profits, because the fluctuation time is short enough and the fluctuation range is large enough. $PEOPLE