In Uzbekistan, a student was jailed for 10 days for selling Notcoin

At the beginning of June this year, the main Department of Internal Affairs of the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan received a complaint about the student. It is not indicated who exactly filed the complaint against the student. During the inspection, law enforcement officers established that he used his smartphone and bank card to sell the Notcoin token. During the hearing of the district court of the city of Tashkent, the young man fully admitted his guilt, saying that he sold Notcoin coins for 800,000 soums, which is equal to $6Z. He asked the judge to reduce his sentence, saying that he did not know that he was breaking the law. In addition, he is the only breadwinner in the family. The court listened to the arguments of all parties and decided to confiscate and destroy the student’s smartphone and bank card, and also assigned him 10 days of administrative arrest. As is known, since the end of January, the Republic of Uzbekistan has introduced criminal and administrative liability for illegal cryptocurrency mining and illegal circulation of digital assets. According to the new articles of the Code on administrative responsibility, for the illegal sale and exchange of cryptocurrencies you can go to jail for 15 days or receive a fine with confiscation of assets and structures involved in the commission of the offense.