Traditional expectations of men in the past have produced unexpected results.

Not wanting to get married is just the first step.

As time goes by, people will find that without the constraints of marriage, men generally surpass women in their ability to pursue better material living conditions.

For men, the main role of marriage is often concentrated in two aspects: one is to meet sexual needs, and the other is to pass on offspring.

If the latter becomes no longer necessary, and the former can be achieved through money, will the necessity of marriage be greatly reduced?

Further thinking, when some women find it difficult to meet higher living needs because marriage cannot provide sufficient material security, how might they choose?

Is it possible to take some extreme paths, such as some social phenomena we know?

Following the basic laws of the market, when supply exceeds demand, prices tend to tend to demand.

Once this cycle is formed, it will have far-reaching consequences.

Suppose the price of a service is reduced to a level that ordinary men can afford every week,

then, how many men will be willing to pay high gifts and costs for marriage?

Productivity has always been the key to promoting changes in production relations.

Since the transition from matriarchal society to patriarchal society, women's dominant position in human society has gradually faded away.

What we see today is just a tiny moment in the long river of history.

In the end, everything will return to its most essential state.

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