RWA sector has started to move? However, the current trading volume is relatively general, which seems to be the behavior of hot money. This week's non-agricultural data is slightly bearish. If the CPI data next Wednesday is continuously bearish, there may be a need to expand the adjustment range in the medium and short term. Of course, what will be expressed at the fomc meeting is also crucial. There is no way. The main market is still centered around the expectation of interest rate cuts. Every release of macro data will inevitably have a deep impact on risky assets, so it must be focused on. However, Btc's ETF flow has been very impressive recently. From a subjective point of view, I am more inclined to believe that there will be continued bullish expectations at the cpi and fomc meeting next week. Okay, there is no point in saying more. Let's wait for the next data to be released and make a good response strategy!

#美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO

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